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Insight from the Law office of Joseph Marino, PC

As you age, it is important to plan ahead for the financial and medical issues that may come up.

Elder law attorneys like those at the Law Office of Joe Marino, PC, can help you with this process by providing advice, guidance, and support. Here are some of the things an elder law attorney may help you with:

Writing a Will

Writing a will is one of the most important things you can do to make sure your estate is handled according to your wishes. A will allows you to designate who inherits what assets, including real estate and bank accounts, in the event of your death.

In addition to naming beneficiaries, it's also important that you write out clearly what happens with any remaining assets. For example: If there are minor children involved in the estate (under 18), do they receive their inheritance now or when they reach adulthood? Are there special conditions placed on receiving an inheritance? Are there any specific charities or organizations that should be notified after someone passes away?

Living Wills

This is quite different from the traditional will mentioned in the previous section. A living will is a document that states your wishes regarding medical treatment in case of terminal illness or permanent unconsciousness. The living will should list all major organ systems and/or bodily functions so as not to limit options unnecessarily, but should also indicate which types of treatments may be too burdensome or ineffective at any stage during an illness or injury. Elder law attorneys can help you prepare a thorough living will.

Planning for Incapacity

You may have heard the term “incapacity” before, but do you know what it means?

Incapacity refers to a state in which you are unable to make decisions for yourself. This can be very serious and is often accompanied by other conditions like dementia or Alzheimer's disease. If you're incapacitated, someone else must act as your legal guardian for all financial matters and personal decisions about health care and living arrangements.

The person who becomes your legal guardian will need access to all of your assets and information about your finances, so it's important to plan ahead now so that everything goes smoothly later on if this does happen to you.

Saving on Long-Term Care Costs

Long-term care is a type of treatment that helps patients who have an illness or injury that prevents them from living independently. The costs of such care can be reduced by using trusts to fund your future long-term care needs. A properly created trust will pay for your nursing home expenses without needing Medicaid eligibility approval first.

We Are Here to Help

The Law Office of Joseph Marino, PC, can help you plan ahead to avoid unexpected and dangerous financial and medical issues. Our elder law attorneys are trained to help you understand your options so that you can make the best choices for yourself. If you have any questions about our legal services, please give us a call today.

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